Does anyone know if all Iron challenge missions give exactly 1 attribute point? If so that can be added.
Witte (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:08:51 The ones we have currently add 1 exact point. Doesn't mean future missions don't, or that the system will be changed.
Hijacker27 (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:08:51 msissions have new reward. :
1k atrox is
1.04 ped evade/dodge/support weapon system and 25 agi token or
3.13 ped without the agi token
1k merp is
1.31 ped weapon handling/aim
10k atrax is
9.25 Aim/combat ref/weapon handling and 100 Agi token
34.88 without the token
10k shin/daiki
0.75 rifle/handgun/dext and 20 stam token
5.88 without tokens
5k argo
1.56 perception/combat ref and 50 str tokens
14.38 without tokens
500 kret
1.64 Rifle/Handgun and 25 str tokens
0.52 melee combat and 25 str tokens
8.04 Rifle/hg without token
2.6 ped Melee combat sans tokens
firejuggler (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:08:51 I can't find a way to filter on "Completed". Does anyone know?
thegrey (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:08:51 I've noticed that a lot of the mission names are not the same as the in-game mission names. Especially for the Iron Challange missions.
For example:
Name on Entropedia: Iron Challenge: 500 Puny Creatures
In-game name: Iron Challenge: Puny Creatures Stage II
Is there a reason for this? Did the names in-game change, and Entropedia has not been updated?
peron (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:08:51 I tried to edit some missions. The reward information was empty and i just finished the mission and try to update missions table.
Unfortunately i can't open specifications edit page for any mission.
if there is a solution for editing mission data please let us know.
SpaceFeeler (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:08:51