Weapon: Sollomate Rubio (L)
Specifications                  [Edit]
Range:48.4 meter
Weight:1.3 kg
Damage:3 HP
Attacks:61 /min
Reload:1.0 seconds
Damage/second:3.1 HP
Decay:0.008 PEC
Cost:0.738 PEC
Maximal TT:0.09 PED
Minimal TT:0.0027 PED
Effective markup:100.0 %
Total Uses:1092
Cost/second:0.75 PEC/sec
Damage/PEC:2.820 HP
Efficiency:53.1 %
Damage types
Penetration:1 HP
Burn:2 HP
Misc. Info
Amplifier:Energy Amp
Ammo:Weapon Cells
Hit profession
Hit Profession:Laser Sniper (Hit)
Maxed:0.3 Levels
Damage profession
Damage Profession:Ranged Laser (Dmg)
Maxed:0.3 Levels
Discovered:Planet Calypso 2012.4
Found on:Planet Calypso
User Value:1111.11 % (2016-12-09)

The Sollomate Rubio (L) is an entry level laser carbine designed for training.

It's under the Weapons tab in the Inventory ("I" key). To use the weapon you first have to equip it (Right-click the Weapon's icon, then click "Equip" in the context menu).

You must have Weapon Cells in your inventory. When properly equipped, you can see the number of rounds left in the Heads-Up Display at the bottom right of your screen.

There are different ways of attacking:
1. Select and click on target
If you hover over a target you will notice that the cursor gets an animated wrench next to it. If you click the target while it's selected the avatar will turn towards it and attack. Just continue to click the target to attack.

2. Drag out the HP bar and click it
Hover over a target: hold down Left-click and then drag, you will drag out that creature's HP bar. If you Left-click the HP bar your avatar will attack the creature that the HP bar belongs to. Just continue to click the HP bar to attack.

3. Aim mode
For easier aiming you should zoom in so that you are in the First Person Mode. Enter Aim mode (Press "Left Alt") and just aim with the reticule at a target and Left-click to shoot. You can change the look of the reticule by pressing N.

When the Ammo runs out or the Weapon breaks, you can no longer fire it. Different Weapons use different amounts of ammo per shot.

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Hit Skills

The following "Hit" skills are involved using this weapon.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: AgilityNo340
Combat: AimNo40
Combat: Combat ReflexesNo31600
Combat: Combat SenseYes5800
Combat: CommandoYes3200
Combat: MarksmanshipYes80
Combat: RifleNo391600
Combat: Weapons HandlingNo81600
Construction: Laser Weaponry TechnologyNo140
General: CoolnessYes4400
General: CourageNo3320
General: DexterityNo3800
General: PerceptionNo21600
General: SerendipityYes11600

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Damage Skills

The following "Damage" skills are involved using this weapon.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: AgilityNo140
Combat: Inflict Ranged DamageNo40
Combat: Kill StrikeYes110
Combat: MarksmanshipYes100
Combat: Ranged Damage AssessmentYes150
Combat: WoundingYes100
Construction: Laser Weaponry TechnologyNo250
General: SerendipityYes41600
Medical: AnatomyNo200

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This item has been reported to drop from these creatures.

CreatureFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
Prototype DrokaOftenGen 0118.8.1.aLast VUEdit
Merry SnargCommon 18.8.1Last VUEdit
Daikiba (Calypso)UncommonJuvenile18.7.1Last VUEdit
Prototype DroneCommonGen 0418.6.0Last VUEdit
BerycledCommonJuvenile18.4.2Last VUEdit
Phasm (Calypso)UncommonPupLast VUEdit
CaudatergusUncommonPuny18.4.1Last VUEdit
TripudionUncommonPuny18.1.3Last VUEdit
ShoggothCommonShapeshifter17.23.2.aLast VUEdit
MaffoidUncommonOutrunner17.18.1.aLast VUEdit
SabakumaRareHatchling17.15.1Last VUEdit
Highland AllophylUncommonYoung17.12.1Last VUEdit
Argonaut (Calypso)CommonGrunt17.7Last VUEdit
Drone (Calypso)CommonGen 0217.6Last VUEdit
RazortoothCommonJuvenile17.4.2Last VUEdit
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