Creature: Oratan Miner
Specifications                  [Edit]
Maturity Class:Oratan Miner
Found on:Planet Arkadia
Damage types
Stab:50 %
Cut:24 %
Impact:26 %
HP of least Maturity:1580 HP
Scanning:Mutant Investigator
Planet Arkadia
Planet Arkadia Underground

The Oratan are believed to be the race warned of in The Signal, intercepted by the Celeste Space Probe. 

  • It follows that this species inflicted genocide on the Ancient Arkadian people. Accordingly, the Oratan should not be underestimated.
  • As such, the Oratan should not be underestimated under any circumstances, either individually or collectively.
  • As a species, they appear to revel in battle and killing, specifically targeting human colonists on Arkadia.
  • They have also shown a tendency to loot and steal, appearing particular to crave technology. Advanced weapons appear to be within their ability to use, but beyond their capability to develop for themselves.
  • This Oratan is much larger than those originally encountered by the IFN. Whilst its physical size is intimidating, it is also noticeably less aggressive than expected and appears subservient in behaviour to other Oratan.
  • The Imperial Fleet Navy (IFN) know very little information on the origins of the Oratan. However, the destruction of the Ancient Arkadians at their hands seems certain and the threat they pose to humanity is very real and immediate.

Codex Rewards

Enter info via Oratan.

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Maturity Levels

Attributes of the creature. Damage vs. Armor calculations.

MaturityHealthRegen. SpeedDamageDanger LevelHP/LvlThreatTaming Level
Young1580 961698.815168 
Mature1710 10317100.617613 
Old1900 1151910021850 
Provider2400 12123104.329040 
Guardian2730 1372610537401 
Dominant3180 15431102.648972 
Alpha3700 17836102.865860 
Old Alpha4420 19943102.887958 
Looter5350 22551104.9120375 
Elite6640 26262107.1173968 
 HPHP/sHP   Level

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Loots from this creature. The "Last VU" button updates the "Latest VU" column to the current VU. Entries with a red background have not yet been reported to drop this VU. Warning: Some loots may be false.
The "Maturity" column is used to indicate the lowest maturity from which an item has been looted.

ItemFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
 Gravis GLR-29UnknownYoung18.8.1Last VUEdit
MANTA Chill 1 (L)UncommonElite18.6.0Last VUEdit
Somin TarCommonYoungLast VUEdit
Aarkan PelletsCommon Last VUEdit
WoolOften 17.23.2.aLast VUEdit
Animal Eye OilOftenYoungLast VUEdit
Animal Muscle OilOftenYoungLast VUEdit
Animal Thyroid OilOften Last VUEdit
Animal HideVery oftenProviderLast VUEdit
High Definition GUI ComponentOften Last VUEdit
Tier 2 ComponentOften Last VUEdit
Thin WoolCommon Last VUEdit
Animal Oil ResidueOftenYoungLast VUEdit
Zolphic OilCommonProviderLast VUEdit
Hydrogen SteamUncommonYoungLast VUEdit
<< < 1 2 3 4 5 > >> (All)

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Where the creature can be found.

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Planet Arkadia1109011550CreatureOratan Miner Mature to GuardianLow
Planet Arkadia Underground850023700Oratan Miner Old Alpha to EliteHigh
Planet Arkadia2070020180Oratan Miner Provider to GuardianLow
Planet Arkadia1922019140Oratan Miner Provider to GuardianLow
Planet Arkadia2653022570Oratan Miner YoungLow
Planet Arkadia1764014170Oratan Miner YoungLow
Planet Arkadia1750015020Oratan Miner YoungLow
Planet Arkadia1821015320Oratan Miner YoungLow
Planet Arkadia1882014550Oratan Miner YoungLow
Planet Arkadia Underground1010023800Oratan Miner Young to ProviderMedium
Planet Arkadia Underground1110023900Oratan Miner Young to ProviderMedium

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Defence Skills

The following skills are involved by being attacked by this creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: AgilityNo840
Combat: Combat ReflexesNo111600
Combat: Combat SenseYes6800
Defense: AvoidanceYes70
Defense: EvadeNo250
General: AlertnessNo50
General: AthleticsNo14533.3
General: CourageNo7320
General: IntuitionYes31600
General: QuicknessYes93200
General: SerendipityYes51600

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Scanning Skills

You get these skills by scanning the creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: IntelligenceNo180
General: PerceptionNo51600
Information: ProbingNo70
Information: Scan MutantNo500
Medical: AnatomyNo40
Science: AnalysisNo100
Science: BiologyNo50
Science: ComputerNo20
Science: GeneticsNo90
Science: ScientistYes31600
Science: XenobiologyYes40

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