Mission: Mutant Incursion
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Foreman Sanders
Nearest City:Half Moon Bay
Required Mission:Kill It With Fire
Mission Locations


The fuel depot operated by Chikara Omniworld corporation in the nearby mountain pass has been overrun by mutants.

Help the Chikara personnel retake control of the depot and then proceed to Westwatch Tower on the other side of the pass.

  • Talk to Darcy
  • Maffoid location
    • Maffoid Heads 0 of 3
  • Deliver the Heads


Foreman Sanders
While you were down in the caves, a woman came running into camp from the mountain pass to the west.

Seeing as you seem to be the helpful type, why don't you go talk to here? She's up there by the teleporter.
  • Sure, I'll talk to her.
  • Maybe later.

Technician Larchi (63493 89206)
Mutants, mutants everywhere!

We're all going to die!
  • Calm down lady, what's wrong?
We were attacked, that's what's wrong!

Me and my boss, Darcy, were performing routine maintenance on the fuel cisterns when a Maffoid hunting party came charging in.

We managed to escape but the fuel depot and the pass remains under their control.

Please, head into the pass and find Darcy, he stayed behind to keep an eye on them from a safe distance.
  • Accept Mission
  • Decline Mission

Mission Items Received: 15k Weapon Cells

Darcy (62959 89181)
Be quiet, Maffoids have very good ears!

Who are you anyway?
  • My name is [Avatar Name], I'm here to help you with your problem.
So, the girl made it back to camp eh? At least she can run, I'll give her that.

Anyway, here's the deal. I want these creatures dead, you hear me? Not hurt, but dead! Nobody messes with Darcy!

Bring the heads of three of them to my friend, Captain Spiers, at the tower on the other side of the pass. He'll give you something for your trouble.
  • Sure thing.
  • Forget it!

On arrival at Captain Spiers, with Maffoid Heads:

I'm Captain Spiers, commander of the CDF garrison here at Westwatch tower and, wait... what in the hell are you carrying there !?
  • Heads, Maffoid heads.
Right... I don't suppose you can tell me why you've brought them here?
  • They attacked the fuel depot, Darcy promised that you'd reward me if I killed them for him and showed you their heads.
I see, I'll have to have a chat with him about making promises on behalf of other people.

Anyway, hand me those heads and I'll give you a reward.
  • Here, take them.

After giving the heads in mission window:
Next time please just bring me a few teeth instead, this is disgusting.
  • I'll try to remember.
Alright, take this free armor voucher to Specialist Hastert and he'll give you a piece of CDF Scout Armor. He's down the road in Cape Corinth, you'll find him in the lobby of the main structure.
  • Thank you!

Note: Completion of this mission automatically triggers new mission: 'The Armor Voucher'

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