Mission: Sand Demons
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Objective:Kill 8 Sabakuma & recover Detectonator
Reward:0.01 PED Anatomy, 2 PED Weapon Cells
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Foreman Sanders
Nearest City:Half Moon Bay
Required Mission:Welcome to Half Moon Bay!
Mission Locations


Foreman Sanders wants you to kill 8 Sabakuma and recover the missing Detectonator.

  • Kill Sabakuma
    • 0 of 8
  • Recover the Detectonator
  • Return to Foreman Sanders


Foreman Sanders
The dig to the north of here has been overrun by terrible creatures known as Sabakuma, or desert demons.

They took us by surprise and most of my men were killed, including my chief surveyor. He fell right outside the tunnel and the beasts ate him before my eyes!

I need you to help recover his detectonator which contains valuable data about the mineral deposits in the rock here. And please, kill some of those monsters while you're at it.

Oh and I almost forgot, here's a gun and some ammo to help you on your way.
  • Accept Mission
  • Decline Mission

Mission items: EWE EP-1 Neutron (L); 7000 Weapon Cells.

On return to Foreman Sanders with Detectonator:
Thank you for your help, you have no idea how important this data is.

Here, take this Anatomy chip as a reward, it will automatically grant you a bonus to your anatomy skill.
  • Complete Quest
  • Cancel

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Mission Locations

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Calypso6356689340Mission Location Sand Demons: Detectonator 

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