Mission: Helen's Super Epic Hunting Adventure
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Planet:Next Island
Objective:Kill 63 Papoo and 63 Mutant Boars
Reward:Helen Venture's Walking Stick Blueprint
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Helen Venture
Nearest City:Crystal Peak Teleport


Island huntress, Helen Venture, challenges you to a hunting mission.



Helen Venture (137353, 83273)
Hey there, Newlander! I guess you've come to shower esteemed island huntress Helen Venture with your admiration. Well, I've been heraing some rumors that you're quite the hunter yourself so maybe I ought to be showering you, I mean admiring you, you know what I mean!
  • Who me? Yes, when I swing a sword I usually hit something.
  • I am! You can start calling me Esteemed Island Boar Slayer!

If you choose 'Who me?...':
In that case, let me challenge you to a little hunting competition.
  • Bring it on, Helen!
All right! I knew you had it in you!

Go forth and kill 10 boar. No! That's way too easy! Go forth and kill 25 boar! No! There's nothing epic about that! Kill 25 boar and 17 papoo! But not the smart talking papoo like Sebastian, of course.

Go forth and slay 63 Mutant Boar and 63 dumb papoo! And by dumb I mean mute because it's rude to judge the intelligence of a creature you can't even talk to. There! That's a mission epic enough for you Newlander <Last Name>! Now how does that sound?
  • Sounds...hard! Will you at least pay me?
  • Where do I find Mutant Boar?
  • Where do I find papoo?
  • Sounds like a challenge well suited for my hunting skills! I'm on it!
  • Sounds like a waste of my time! Thanks but no thanks!

If you choose 'Sounds...hard! Will you at least pay me?':
One does not enter an epic hunting challenge for wealth! A true hunter cares only for glory and the thrill of the kill!

On return to Helen after killing mobs:
63 Mutant Boar and 63 Papoo! Well Newlander, color me impressed ! You're going to be a very fine hunter someday. I'd like to give you something to commemorate your success, but if you finished this quest you must already have a good weapon and good armor.

I know! When I'm out hunting I like to take along a walking stick to hold back the brambles. Here take this blueprint and make one of your own! They're also very useful for knocking fruit out of the trees...just be careful not to knock down any papoo on yourself unless you like angry, furry surprises!
  • Thanks, Helen! I will!

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