Mission: Zorn Star Prospects
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Cyrene
Mission Chain:Repeatable (Cyrene)
Objective:Acquire 5 Zorn Star Ore
Reward:1 Cyrene Mission Token
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Miner 49r Bot (ARC)
Nearest City:A.R.C. Immigration - Tanhok
Added:Planet Calypso 2012.3


Miner 49r would like you to prospect the nearby fields for Zorn Star ore. Return once you have acquired 5 Zorn Star Ore samples.

  • Acquire 5 Zorn Star Ore



Miner 49r Bot (ARC HQ 129137, 82649)

Hello prospector,
I'm the Miner49r Bot, my job is to collect mining information from these nearby locations.


  • I'm actually not a prospector, thanks....
  • Excellent, what can you tell me about the nearby area?


If you choose 'Excellent, what can you tell me about the nearby area?':

My records show that there are concentrations of a variety of minerals and enmatters, the one I'm most interested in is Zorn Star.
  • Thanks for the information I'll be on my way now.
  • Zorn Star Ore huh? How can I help you?


If you choose 'Zorn Star Ore huh? How can I help you?':

I need to verify that the fields are still rich in Zorn Star deposits.

Bring me back a sample of Zorn Star Ore, and I will reward you with one Imperium Token.

If you don't know how to mine, please check this info bot next to me.
  • Sounds good

On return with 5 Zorn Star Ore:
Excellent, it appears that the deposit fields in the nearby area are still going strong.

''You can check back with me in 24 hours in case I need another sample.""
  • Thank you.

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