Mission: Lost shipwreck
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Next Island
Objective:Find the lost ship and possible some treasure
Reward:Tanzanite, achievement
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Quartermaster Sydney
Nearest City:Paradise Landing

At the harbour near paradise landing



Hi there. If you're looking for adventure, you could help us look for a sunken ship. The haruspex needs help locating a ship in Ancient Greece that has been missing for some time. 


They are interested in the location, so any treasure you might find, is yours to keep. Interested?





Sounds like hard work, so no thanks.


(after choosing Absolutely!)


Great! Well, the only thing we know, is that it probably sank in the area I will show you on your radar. From there, you will have to search on your own. Good luck!




On my way.


To Ancient Greece

Enter Ancient greece, the location will update. Head to that location. Swim all the way down


Ok, ship searching time. Better be careful, I heard there are sharks down here.

Wonder what they have been feeding on this deep down?

Perhaps i'll kill some and check what intersting things they have in their bellies...


Kill sharks to gain the key. Key drops randomly so keep killing. 


The Key

After killing a bunch of sharks:

Hey, cool! Found a key!

you get this item: Haruspex Chest Key. You will need this to open the chest

Pos for chest to open: 
/wp [Ancient Greece, 37021, 21875, 0, waypoint]

After opening the chest:

I should head back to Sydney and report the location of the ship.


Wow, great job! They will be very pleased to hear that we managed to find it.
Thank you.

-No problem. It was a piece of...shark.


Achievement: Shipwreck Scavenger, Freediving (talk to bartender to update). 10 Bloodstone Crystal, 10 Purpurite Crystal, 30 Moldavite Crystal, 30 Apatite Crystal, 50 Tanzanite Crystal

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