Mission: Iron Challenge: 50 Steelbirds
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Steelbirds
Objective:Kill 50 Steelbirds
Reward:Aim (eq. 0.67 PED implant) or Rifle (eq. 0.67 PED implant) or Combat Reflexes (eq. 0.67 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Colonel Briers
Nearest City:Port Atlantis


Iron Challenge: 50 Steelbirds


CFA hosts a series of Iron Challenges.  This stage of the Steelbird Iron Challenge is to kill 50 Steelbirds.


Note that Steelbirds may not be available at all times.



  • Kill 50 Steelbirds
    • 0 of 50
  • Return to Colonel Briers



Mission Chain


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Colonel Briers, Port Atlantis (2nd level, Needle Tower: 61436, 75135)

Good day <Avatar Name>! I have an explicit order from the top that needs to be executed a.s.a.p.  Interested?


  • Sure, what is it about?
  • No thanks, I do not take orders from anyone!



If you choose 'Sure, what is it about?'

Well, you have probably already heard of the Iron Challenges hosted by CFA?


  • Yes.
  • No, what is it?



If you choose 'No, what is it?'

Calypso Firearms Association. A group of people that work for civil colonists rights to use firearms.  Iron Challenge is a marketing event of theirs.

  • Ok, I see.

Good. Because of the recently increased activity of Steelbirds we at CDF have joined forces with CFA in order to regain control of certain areas.  It is also our intention to educate civilians in gun handling in case it will be needed in the coming future.

  • Ok, sounds interesting.

Basically CDF will put in a good word for CFA if they help us promote our strategies among the colonists.  And at this point we have surveyed Steelbird habits and striking patterns and the result tells us they are used as scouts. Eliminating them is crucial for colonist security and thanks to the local gun permit the colonists can do it by themselves.

  • I am in!

Ok. I need you to eliminate at least 50 Steelbirds.  Report back to me when you are done.

  • Yes sir!



On return to Colonel Briers:

So, you did it ! Great job! Are you ready to wipe out some more of those nasty, winged pieces of junk?


  • Absolutely!
  • Absolutely not!



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