Mission: The Story of the New Port Atlantis
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Maximilian Wolfe
Nearest City:Port Atlantis
Required Mission:Check the electronic fence


The Story of the New Port Atlantis


Maximilian Wolfe, the CEO of Genesis STar, presents his vision of the development of the new Port Atlantis




Maximilian Wolfe, Port Atlantis Marina (61428, 75136, 293)

Hello and welcome to Port Atlantis, the most shining city on Calypso


  • It didnt look like this before.
  • I wouldn't know, its the first time I'm here.
  • Thanks. Sorry to bother you. Bye.



If you choose 'It didnt look like this before':

We've done some pretty amazing engineering here.  Not only have we built this new Port Atlantis, but we also geo-engineered the isand itself.  I'm Maximilain Wolfe, by the way, CEO Genesis Calypso, and I was the director of the Port Atlantis Re-development Project.  And you are...?

  • <Avatar Name>

Pleasure to meet you <Name>. I can call you <Name>, right?  Anyway, we - "we" being Genesis Star and the other corporations - built this lovely city.


  • So what did you do?
  • Who are the other corporations?



If you choose 'So what did you do?':

The purpose of the Re-Development Project was to refit the island for the future.  See, the probelm was that the second Port Atlantis wasnt very well conceived..  It was as if the Government just looked a the first beach they could find post-impact and said "this is the place, slap it down here, boys". No city plan, no plans for the future, no expandability - heck, that place was a mess.


And then we found the walls of the first Port Atlantis here.

  • Here?

Yes, here.  The old walls are still here.  We felt that it was fitting to restore them.  There still down there at ground level, surrounding the place.


When we found those walls, we decided to build the new Port Atlantis at the same place as the old one.  Not just restore the old, but build on it and plan for the future.  So we did.  Moved the bank and the mall and the whole shebang here and built around them.

  • Do you have plans for the future?

Of course we have <Name>, of course we have.  Its a bit of a secret tho.  Wouldnt want our competitors to know, see.


So thats the story of the new Port Atlantis.  Can I help you with anything else?


  • Thanks, I'm cool.
  • The immigration offical mentioned something about a job?



If you choose 'The immigration offical mentioned something about a job?':

I'm glad you brought this up.  In fact we are hiring, but not here.  If you go to Fort Troy, there's a mission terminal that has some jobs for freelancers.  That's the usual way of getting into Genesis Star.  It's a long way off, so if you don't know the way, take it easy.


The official downstairs can direct you to the Swamp Camp, and there's a mission broker there that can tell you how to get there.


Glad to have you here, Serica.  Take care of yourself.

  • You too, Mr Wolfe. See ya.

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