Material: Pop Claw
Specifications                  [Edit]
Type:Natural Material
Weight:0.7 kg
Value:0.5 PED
Found on:ROCKtropia
This Dragon Claw is an essential ingredient used in manufacturing ROCK n ROLL gear, weapons and merchandise.

Dragon Fact: According to Indian myth, Rahu's dragon head was severed from its body and given to the heavens however the dragon could not die. As revenge, the head of the dragon chases the Moon and eats it once a month. Sometimes it bites pieces off of the sun (Solar Eclipse).

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Blueprints where the material is used.

BlueprintAmountCostCost/MCost/%Found on
Lux Mind Case Blueprint (L)21.001.00100.0ROCKtropia
Pawz Trucker Cap Blueprint21.001.00100.0ROCKtropia
POP Dragon Plate mk1 (L) Blueprint (L)10.500.50100.0ROCKtropia
POP Dragon Plate mk2 (L) Blueprint (L)21.001.00100.0ROCKtropia

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This item has been reported to drop from these creatures.

CreatureFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
Pop DragonUncommonOld18.8.1Last VUEdit

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